Online MBA Programs On The Rise: Is It Worth Getting One?

December 21, 2022

Online MBA Programs

Online MBA programs have been on the rise over the past few years. This is a result of several factors, including the increasing popularity of online education in general, as well as technological advancements that make it easier to learn online than ever before.

If you’re considering getting an online MBA but aren’t sure if it’s right for you or your career, here are some key considerations:

Why Is Online MBA Gaining Popularity?

MBA Gaining Popularity

Online MBA programs are becoming a popular alternative to traditional higher education. With online MBA programs, you can gain the skills and knowledge needed to advance in your career without having to leave your home or work schedule.

Online MBA programs offer flexibility and convenience not found in many other types of higher education. The courses are offered at a pace that fits your life. The course material is also easily accessible through any device with an active internet connection.

This means that you don’t have to worry about visiting campus locations, such as libraries or computer labs, to complete assignments. In addition, some universities offer free access to their websites as well.

Flexibility And Convenience Are Crucial

Flexibility And Convenience

You can earn an online MBA and never have to go to campus or step inside a classroom. How? Let’s break it down.

Online degrees are becoming more popular these days. According to Business Wire, the E-learning market in the US was worth $76.2 billion in the year 2020. And in China, it is predicted to reach $118.6 by 2027, with a CAGR of 12.2% from 2020 to 2027.

Online learning programs are especially popular because they allow students who may not otherwise have access due to financial reasons or scheduling constraints to find opportunities otherwise unavailable locally.

You will spend two years or more studying remotely for your degree. And you will be expected to complete just as many hours as students in traditional programs. However, you will not attend classes at the university or meet with professors in person. Instead, your degree program will be self-paced, with each new course building on what you’ve already learned previously.

Depending on how much time you want to commit per week, earning an online MBA takes between three and five years. So don’t expect this degree program to fit into your life overnight.

Once enrolled in the correct courses for your field of study, you’ll begin completing assignments that include both readings and other activities based on those readings.

To succeed in these courses requires dedication and discipline; fortunately, there are plenty of resources available online through which students can ask questions about their coursework if need be!

You Don’t Need An Undergrad Business Degree

Business Degree

An online MBA is a great way to launch your career. Even if you don’t have an undergraduate business degree, it may be worth it to pursue an online MBA program. These programs accept all sorts of students. You just need to get accepted into one.

Here are some ways you can increase your chances of getting into an online MBA program without a business degree:

  • Take the GMAT or GRE within six months before applying for the program. This will show that you are serious about enrolling in the program and capable of taking on its rigorous workload.
  • Make sure that your resume contains all relevant information about work experience and education up until now. This will help admissions committees see how far back they should look when evaluating your application.
  • Apply early enough so that there is time for them to review everything carefully before making decisions.

Accreditation Is Key

Accreditation is the most important factor when choosing an online MBA program. Accreditations are issued by organizations that use standards to evaluate and confirm the quality of educational programs.

Accreditation means that a school or program meets certain standards and has been checked out by an independent agency. It’s not perfect, but it’s an important indicator of quality. There are two major types of accreditation.

One is regional, and the other is national. Regional accreditors oversee colleges within a specific region, while national accreditors oversee colleges nationally.

AACSB, the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business, is one such accreditation for business schools. It is a globally recognized accreditation that seals the quality of the school that it accredits. If you are looking for a good MBA program online, then you may add AACSB-accredited MBA online schools to your list.

Getting a degree from an accredited school speaks of the quality of the coursework you have completed. So, if you are getting that degree anyway, then it is always a wiser choice to get the quality one.

Many Online MBA Programs Don’t Require Standardized Test Scores


Many online MBA programs don’t require standardized test scores in admissions. Some programs do require that you submit your GRE or GMAT scores, but the majority allow students to apply without them. This is a big deal for some people because it means they won’t have to spend time and money on expensive prep courses or tests.

If you think that taking the tests might help you improve your chances of admission, then it might be worth investing a few hundred dollars on a prep course and taking the exam.

More Schools Offer Accelerated Options Than In The PastStandardized Test Scores

If you’re ready to start your MBA, you may have come across a few terms that seem confusing. One of these is the “accelerated program,” which refers to a type of accelerated MBA program that allows students to shorten their time in school by taking fewer units each semester.

Accelerated programs are shorter than traditional MBA programs and can be completed in as little as 12 months by taking classes year-round instead of during just one semester every term.

While accelerated programs are more expensive than traditional programs because they require more tuition per unit, they also give students a chance to earn their degrees sooner. If you’re someone who doesn’t mind studying more often than once every two weeks, an accelerated program might be right for you.


According to Forbes, the number of students enrolled in online MBA programs already outnumbers those enrolled in full-time programs. This is a remarkable change that can transform the whole structure of our education system.

In the end, it’s up to you to decide if an online MBA is a good fit for your needs. We hope this article has given you some helpful information about what an online MBA program looks like and how it might fit into your career goals.


Abdul aziz Mondal

Abdul Aziz Mondol is a professional blogger who is having a colossal interest in writing blogs and other jones of calligraphies. In terms of his professional commitments, he loves to share content related to business, finance, technology, and the gaming niche.

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