- What is a Stipend?
- Stipend vs Salary
- Many question me- is a stipend considered income?
- What is a Stipend in Salary?
- How is a stipend taxed?
- Kind of Stipends US Firms Pay:
- Academic Research
- Health Coverage
- Wellness Programs
- Job Training
- Internships
- What is a Stipend for an Internship?
- What is a Stipend for a Job?
- What is a Stipend for Teachers?
- Frequently Asked Question!!! (FAQs):
- The Bottom Line
What is a Stipend? Chance for EXTRA Earning!!!

A stipend is a contractual sum offered to people.
You get a stipend when you perform a fixed set of responsibilities. But, defining what a stipend is takes a lot of work. It also refers to reimbursements for expenses in the workplace. Some employees also get stipends as fringe benefits. Often, they get a remote work stipend as well.
Stipends are a common trend in most of the US. Mostly, students, trainees, graduate students, and public sector employees get stipends. For example, a finance firm recruits juniors for data entry and record-keeping assignments before the end of the financial year.
They will not get regular wages. Instead, they will agree to receive a wholesome payment of $3000 (approx). They may get stipends monthly, quarterly, or biannually.
What is a Stipend?
- Fixed-term compensations are called stipends
- Stipends help earners cover their basic expenses during training or work
- You may also get stipends in addition to your salary
- Interns, clergy, students, and other apprentices get stipends mainly
- Stipends are generally taxable. So, recipients must clear taxes promptly.
- An employer can pay stipends according to standards set by the government
- The US government also sets parameters and clauses for giving stipends.
- You cannot pay stipends (only) to full-timers.
Stipend vs Salary
The value of stipends and salary make the difference between the two mainly. Stipends are lower than average wages. Moreover, there are no lower or upper caps on stipend payments. However, you need to follow a range of brackets while paying salaries.
All organizations consider stipends as taxable income. So, recipients can withhold taxes payable on a stipend at their own risk. But don’t live under the assumption that employers withhold payable taxes from the net stipend.
But you have involuntary liabilities. You must file taxes, including the payables from your stipend earnings. Often, PhD candidates get more than $30000 as stipends. So, they should calculate payable taxes correctly. Withholding taxes on stipends is punishable.
Many question me- is a stipend considered income?
Yes. The reason is that stipends can be higher than an average salary’s yield.
But how often is a stipend paid? It depends on the employer above all. In some cases, you may get monthly stipends. However, you may get daily, weekly, or semi-annual stipends too.
Often, you can get a stipend at a go, too. Let’s say you joined as an apprentice on a project with some company. You will get your stipend after the project closure and handover.
What is a Stipend in Salary?
Well, stipends are distant from salaries. However, both are compensations for your effort and skills induced. However, you can pay stipends to workers in addition to their average salaries.
For instance, you give fixed rewards to employees for their spectacular performance. That will be counted as a stipend.
How is a stipend taxed?
Mostly, employers don’t give tax-free stipends to recipients.
What is a stipend? It is the agreed sum paid to recipients doing fixed-term work. Also, the stipend receiver works only on a fixed set of deliverables. Often, trainees do dynamic work. However, they have fewer accountabilities in comparison to salaried employees.
So, the process of knowing how a stipend is taxed also varies. Anyways, you can follow a generic princess to determine how much taxes you must pay against the stipends received:
- First, find out how much of the stipend is taxable. Generally, you can pay taxes if you earn more than $13800 as a stipend.
- Employers also give $5250 a stipend for learning and development annually. That is also non-taxable.
- So, follow these parameters to decide if the stipend is taxable.
- If so, then understand your tax bracket. You get several deductions over your gross tax payable. So, calculate the deductions and file for a tax return when submitting your tax portfolio.
- After that, you can calculate your real income taxes on stipends.
- Does the employer withhold taxes from your stipend? Get the info from your company.
- Mostly, employers don’t withhold taxes. So, recipients must calculate and pay the taxes on time to avoid further penalties.
Kind of Stipends US Firms Pay:
You can get a stipend in any of the workplaces. However, the nature of work and occasion differs widely.
Let’s check out the common cases of stipend payment:
Academic Research
You get most of the stipends for academic research. This stipend supports the researcher’s basic financial needs. It ensures that the researcher can work on the project without financial worries.
Often, stipends are paid to cover the research costs. Stipends for particular expenses in the workplace
Often, your employer may ask you to work on deliverables outside the periphery of your everyday work. For example, the company may send you to an on-site office on short notice.
You will then get a stipend to cover the miscellaneous costs of your trip.
You can easily invest the extra money from stipends in Mutual Funds.
Health Coverage
You can also consider the employer’s health insurance as a stipend. It makes up a part of your insurance cost.
Wellness Programs
What is a stipend paid for employee wellness? It is mainly contingent expenses to keep the employee in the right shape. Employees who feel stressed or lousy can work out in the office gym.
The costs of maintaining the gym can be counted as stipends for the employees. However, such a stipend is not taxable. This is a voluntary expense borne by the company. But you are not getting any fiscal benefit from that.
So, nonfinancial stipends don’t impact your credit mix.
Job Training
Often, employers offer paid training to employees.
The training can help you with your job. But it also does not contribute towards your direct fiscal gains. In contrast, the hike in your productivity benefits the employer. That’s why employers cannot deduct taxes from stipends.
However, it is a form of earning. So, people who earn stipends must file it as taxable income. If your employer pays you for training, it would be taxable.
Many US companies offer paid internship programs for employees or apprentices. Such internships are taxable, though. However, the outstanding equipment, food, and housing costs may not be taxable.
If someone asks- if stipend pay is taxable, I’d say Yes. However, gross expenses that are voluntary to the employer are not taxable.
What is a Stipend for an Internship?
Mostly, interns get stipends in the US corporate nomenclature. However, they earn relatively low stipend amounts. However, they handle credible workloads.
You may see interns getting average stipends between $250 and $500 in the country.
Again, stipends earned by student interns may vary. For example, PhD interns can earn up to $35000 annually in the US.
What is a Stipend for a Job?
In the US, you typically get salaries and not stipends. However, companies may pay out stipends over your salary. Sometimes, companies offer pay per work. But distinguish that from a stipend.
You may invest stipend money to strengthen your Retirement Investment Strategies. And avoid spending your fixed stash. Typical instances of stupendous job training stipends or stipends for hourly or project-based extra work.
However, measuring any upper or lower range of such stipends is challenging.
What is a Stipend for Teachers?
Most teaching staff in the us earn fixed wages. However, in some cases, it earns them additional benefits. For example, teachers giving proxies for absent teachers earn stipends.
That stipend is not low. Rather, it complements their earning levels. Hence, stipends can also improve your financial dashboard. Often, existing teachers handle academic responsibility in the absence of adequate staff. They may also earn stipends for that.
Frequently Asked Question!!! (FAQs):
Readers already know what a stipend is. However, many of them need further clarification regarding the role of stipends in the fiscal composite of a US individual.
So, let’s answer some related questions that readers ask frequently.
Ans: We know what a stipend is in schools, colleges, or offices. However, there needs to be more clarity regarding how to earn a stipend. So, a stipend is earned above your static earnings (wage). It is a fixed payment against a fixed share of work assigned to an individual.
For example, stipends earned against working on a specific project.
Ans: No, the stipend is only an additional, short-term, or one-time payment.
It may bear your basic expenses but not add stability to your finances. Moreover, the stipend is mostly much lower than your salary.
Ans: You may get a stipend for any fixed or recurring terms. For example, office interns may earn stipends monthly. Often, they get stipends for extra project work by the end of the fiscal year. In the same way, you can get daily stipends for specific job roles, too.
The Bottom Line
Most people know what a stipend is. But it is difficult to fathom specific stipends for respective jobs. That’s why I did detailed research to understand the nature of stipends you can earn in various job roles. Primarily, the US government regulates the maximum and minimum stipends payable in different domains. If you need more explanation on stipends, comment below.
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