5 Most Effective Ways to Calculate Your Finances

published on: 14 April 2022 last updated on: 23 September 2024
Your Finances

According to a 2022 survey by Auckland’s Savings Bank (ASB), the most financially comfortable people live in the Tasman region, New Zealand, with savings exceeding over $3,000.

So, how do these people reach this financial stability? The answer lies in excellent monetary management.

However, you’ll never know what aspect of your financial situation needs remedying unless you have a snapshot of your net worth, the money you have earned and spent.

Calculating your pecuniary status can help you get back on track and learn about where you went wrong. To ensure you’re able to crunch the numbers to the nearest zero, here’s what you need to do:

Dealing With Debts and Loans

Dealing With Debts and Loans

You may be juggling debts and loans because of numerous reasons. These include needing a loan to pay off medical bills, a sudden surge in student debts, or you went through an unprecedented situation like property damage because of a hurricane.

No matter your problem, you get a bad credit score because of your inability to pay off your loans and debts.

While this may not seem like a big deal, down the line, your credit score determines if you can secure future loans, get a mortgage, or an investment.

So it’s good to know how much you need to repay to form a strategy. If you’re looking for loan calculators, you’ll find a reliable one on this:  nectar.co.nz/calculator/ will give you an accurate numerical figure on the repayments you need to make.

In addition, here are some fresh perspectives for you to consider and fix your credit score in no time:

1. The Psychology Behind Acquiring Debt

According to Psychology Today, people tend to spend less money when the payment process is transparent.

When you’re in a position to see your money get spent physically, it prevents you from spending more. People hold back when making cash payments compared to credit card purchases.

2. Steadily Move Out of The Debt Trap

2. Steadily Move Out of The Debt Trap

It’s pivotal you start paying back to prevent the interest rate from souring your debt. While this is an understandably overwhelming process, you should start slowly. To help you out, here are three psychological methods you can use:

a. The Avalanche Method

According to the avalanche method, you should start by paying any loan or debt that has a high interest. These are loans with an interest rate going above 30%, and in the long run, they drag you down the most.

Your purpose is to start from the top and make your way to the bottom and pay low interests last. These interests amount to less than 6% but slightly above 3%.

b. The Snowball Method

Created by the personal finance expert Dave Ramsey, the snowball method is all about building psychological momentum.

According to this process, start paying off low-interest debts or loans before moving on to larger loans. The snowball method keeps you committed for the long haul.

c. Go For Delayed Gratification

Even though purchasing products make you feel good, they can severely damage your track record. You put yourself in deeper debt and gradually inch towards bankruptcy.

Therefore, it’s in your best interest to go for delayed gratification and allow your money to accumulate. The next time you feel tempted to make a purchase, stop and ask yourself these questions:

  • Is the purchase necessary?
  • How will it reflect on my account statement?
  • Can I afford more losses?

3. Seek Help For Your Finances

3. Seek Help For Your Finances

The government of New Zealand has a free helpline for you called Money talks. This service connects you to a trained financial mentor who can provide you with advice on how to pay off your debts.

You may also get connected to the local community, which offers low-cost budgeting classes to help you recover your finances. Your other options include:

  • Speaking To A Credit Counselor

The primary purpose of a credit counselor is to round up all your loans and debts to help you set a budget. You may already feel stressed out dealing with the constant loan repayment reminders, so it helps to have someone in your corner who’s looking out for you. A credit counselor will provide you with personalized recommendations based on your circumstances and financial standing. For instance, they enable you to trim down your expenses or encourage you to consolidate your loans. That is, to sum up your loans and pay them off as one amount.

4. Give Yourself The Space To Budget

You may have heard many methods when it comes to budgeting. Some people may advise you to create a spreadsheet and fill it with every piling expense.

At the same time, you may receive recommendations for applications like Mint and Quicken.

However, there is no one-size-fits-all method when it comes to money. Whether you choose to create an excel file or stick with mobile applications, both are correct in their way. But, here are some fundamentals that should be a part of your budgeting technique:

5. Calculate Your Monthly Income

5. Calculate Your Monthly Income

Even though budget calculators are available online such as those in the Nerdwallet, you can show off some of your math skills.

You need to pool your income and start calculating what you’re making. This includes disability pensions, alimony payments, child support, or any earnings which add to your bank.

If you work in the service industry or live off commissions, you are getting unsteady wages. Your income varies monthly.

So, to get an estimate, you will have to add up what you roughly make and then divide it by an adequate number of months. For instance, add up three months’ worth of salary and divide it by 3 to make sure you know your budget.

Finances can be the bane of your existence if you’re not careful about spending. It is straightforward to submerge yourself into debts but finding your way out is hard. Luckily, there are still methods you can try to pull yourself out of a fiscal funk.

Start by calculating your loans and using mind over matter to pay them off. This includes practicing psychological tricks like the avalanche method, snowball method, or delaying gratification. If you still need extra help, look for local helplines, a seasoned credit counselor, or join a support group to lock down your finances.

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Sumona is the publisher for Finance Team. In terms of professional commitments, she carries out publishing sentient blogs by maintaining top to toe on-page SEO aspects. Follow more of her contributions at SmartBusinessDaily and FollowtheFashion

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