How To Find The Savings Bond That Is Just Right For You

published on: 21 May 2018 last updated on: 24 September 2024
Savings Bond

The significance of savings cannot be ignored as they help you to secure yourself and your family against any contingencies in the future. There are a number of options for those who want to secure their savings for short-term and long-term. One of the best options is savings bonds, the interest-paying deposit products offered by banks and financial institutions. It is a type of a fixed term loan that the depositor provides to the provider (the bond issuer) in consideration of a certain rate of interest, which is usually higher than the interest from traditional deposit accounts.

There are variant advantages of investing in savings bonds. Your investment stays secure as you get the original capital back plus the accrued interest at the end of the bond term. Moreover, it turns out to be more lucrative as compared to the traditional options because of the higher rate of interest it offers. Another benefit is that you know exactly how much will be the maturity value right at the time of making the investment in fixed rate savings bonds. Seeing the advantages if this form of saving, most investors are keen on them. But the biggest concern is to find the bond that is right for you. Here we will talk about the savings bonds and go through some basics about these bonds will help you to arrive at the right decision.

There are different types of savings bonds :

Savings bonds make your money work harder to earn you more, provided that you are willing to tie up your money for a fixed time interval. There are different types of savings bonds that work differently but basically, they all yield a fixed rate of interest over a set time period. The term can range between six months and five years, depending on how long you want to invest. It is to be remembered that the longer the term period, the better it is from the saving perspective because you will not be able to use the money until the term is up.

The term of the savings bond determines the interest value :

Another benefit of the long-term bond is that they fetch you a higher interest rate. As a rule of thumb, the longer you commit the money for, the higher is the interest as it empowers the bank or the stockbroker to invest your money for longer. You have to start with one lump sum investment initially and you get a cumulative amount along with the interest at the end of the term period.

Savings bonds are the best for definite goals :

Savings bonds are apt for you if you have a specific goal in mind and also have a timeline for its fulfillment. For instance, you may save up for a child’s higher education which is to start at a certain point in time in future. The reason is that your money will be locked up for the term and also give you a good return which can be used for that particular goal. The choice of the bond depends on the purpose and time period of the investment as well as the expectations you have for it in terms of the return value at the time of maturity. Besides the fixed maturity value bonds, there are some that yield interest on the monthly basis rather than as a lump sum. Such options are useful for those looking to supplement their monthly income.

It is important to understand the risks too :

Even though fixed-rate savings have some benefits, there are some risks too. They can be good from the budgeting point of view but can make the bonds non-competitive if the interest rate increases during the bond period. The longer is the lock-in term, the greater is this risk. However, there is a brighter side too as the returns could be better in the end if the overall rate goes down.  At the same time, your investment is secure and there is no risk of losing money. Another concern is that you may have to bear withdrawal penalties if you wish to close the bond before term. This will be in the form of loss of interest if you want to get the cash back prior to the maturity.

Where to find the best savings bonds?

After understanding all about savings bond, you should know the best place to shop for them. These bonds are offered by various providers such as banks, financial institutions, and building societies. You can connect with them through agents and even buy through an online website to compare and decide the best option that works for you.

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Mashum Mollah is the feature writer of Search Engine Magazine and an SEO Analyst at Real Wealth Business. Over the last 3 years, He has successfully developed and implemented online marketing, SEO, and conversion campaigns for 50+ businesses of all sizes. He is the co-founder of Social Media Magazine.

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