Top Features Your Business Website Needs

published on: 24 August 2022 last updated on: 19 May 2023
Business Website

Having a business website is the best thing your business can do for many reasons.

You get more customers, build an online presence with a great reputation, and gain credibility. The website design’s ability to attract customers is essential just like the sites that are made by Nodex.

As you start building your website, you may wonder if certain features can boost your website to ensure you enjoy all the benefits.

These are the top features that you need to have on your business website.

1. Mobile Version

If you don’t create a mobile version of your website, you will miss out on vital customers and traffic. Many consider that this is how web searches are going. Therefore, you need to be on top of this before it is too late. It adds to your online credibility and boosts your search ranking (mobile friendliness is one of the search ranking factors). Your website will also always be accessible no matter what a searcher is using.

Mobile Version

2. A Blog

Content is king – you will hear this time and time again when building a brand. Therefore, a feature your website needs is a blog. Ensure that the blog’s design matches the rest of your business website. It needs to be clean and professional – if it looks outdated or confusing to navigate, people will doubt your credibility.

Fortunately, there are web designers out there that can ensure this is the case. Head to to get your blog up to the standard people expect.

This is so that you only get to enjoy the benefits. A blog can help boost your search engine rankings and increase website traffic.

In addition, you can build credibility – showing a voice of authority by publishing expert blogs will help your customers understand more about who you are, what you offer, and vital information that helps them know what they need.


3. Testimonials

Trust is a huge factor when it comes to creating a website.

How do you get this trust?

The answer is by posting reviews, testimonials, and case studies. Again, like the blog, ensure this is displayed clearly and professionally and is easy to find throughout the website. You don’t want potential customers seeking out these reviews without any luck only to end up leaving because they don’t know whether to trust you or not.

If you don’t have any testimonials, send out feedback emails, surveys, and follow-ups after a product has been purchased or a service completed.


4. Live Chat

A live chat function is one of the best features you can have on your website. It is impossible to be around 24/7 – unless you are willing to pay staff to be available, but this would quickly get expensive. Instead, a live chat function on your website can ensure that questions get answered no matter what time they are on your business website.

Live Chat

5. Images and Video Content

Written content provides value to your website, but so can images and video content. You need to make this a prominent feature on your website. It can be helpful to make these images as bespoke as possible.

For example, include photos of your staff at social functions and while they are working. Having your staff’s professional headshots on your about us page is also a great feature.

This makes your company more trustworthy and allows customers and clients to put faces behind the names. Videos should follow the same rule of being as bespoke as possible – personalizing everything on your business website is going to be a big hit with Google and your customers.

 Video Content



Sumona is the publisher for Finance Team. In terms of professional commitments, she carries out publishing sentient blogs by maintaining top to toe on-page SEO aspects. Follow more of her contributions at SmartBusinessDaily and FollowtheFashion

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