A Concise Guide To Renting Properties In Perth: Find The Best!

March 8, 2022

Renting Properties

Western Australia is undoubtedly one of the hottest places and markets worldwide for property renters and investors. Its capital, Perth, is teeming with various renting properties furnished or purchased by aspiring property owners that are nearby the places to visit in the region.

If you’re looking for a quality property to rent in Perth, you might first want to check out what Perth has to offer. Perth is where you can find attractions such as the Kings Park and Botanic Garden, Cottesloe Beach, Fremantle Prison, Swan Valley, Perth Zoo, The Art Gallery of Western Australia, and Elizabeth Quay, among many others.

If you’re a property investor, know that there are several things to note when you want to offer renting properties in Perth. One is partnering with a property management company.

Your property manager will guide you through the many things you need to consider when offering renting properties in Perth, such as the lease agreement, tenancy agreement or residential tenancy agreement, rental history, landlord insurance, legal obligations, consumer protection, building regulations, written agreement, and so much more.

Here is a helpful guide that you can share with your future tenants.

A Helpful Guide To Renting Properties In Perth

Photo of White Ferris Wheel Across City Buildings

Are you moving out of home for the first time? Perhaps you’re returning to the land down under after living abroad, or you’re relocating to Perth from interstate. Maybe you want to move into a rental property while getting your own home renovated? No matter what the needs are, if you’re renting a property in Perth, here are the important things you should know.

1. Bond

Landlords usually require the tenants to pay a security bond upfront or at the start of a lease. The bond provides the property owner with the chance to recover any losses the tenant may cause, including property damage or unpaid rent. Western Australian law says that this bond should not amount to over four weeks’ renting properties.

Of course, if you care well for the property and pay the rent, this bond will be returned in full once you move out.

2. Property Condition Reports

brown and white wooden house near green trees during daytime

The property condition report refers to the compulsory document that, according to the law, should be completed at the beginning of a new tenancy. This is designed to protect both the landlord and the tenant, and resolve disputes about property damage via describing the condition of the property at the beginning and end of a tenancy.

The report says, on a room-by-room basis, the precise property condition and contents, and makes a note of anything within, on, or around the property that is in poor condition or broken. Then, the completed property condition report is agreed to and signed by the landlord or the property manager and the tenant at the beginning of the lease.

Acquiring your bond back at the end of the lease depends on this property condition report being accurately and thoroughly completed at the start of your lease, so you have to do the property condition report properly.

3. Pets: Advice For Pet Owners

If you’re among the Australian households who are pet owners, or you’d like to be, take note you’ll be needing permission from your landlord to keep your pets in your rented property.

In Western Australia, landlords aren’t obliged to allow tenants to keep pets, but several people do agree to it though. Landlords who allow pets are entitled by the local law to charge an additional pet bond of up to $260. If you’re seeking permission from your landlord to keep a pet, ensure you:

  • Please provide as many details about your pet as possible, including its age, breed, size, vaccination, details of any training they’ve had, information on how much time they’ll be spending alone, and the like.
  • Reassure the landlord you’ll cover any property damage your pet may cause. For example, you may offer to have carpets professionally cleaned regularly.
  • Provide references from a previous landlord, owners corporation, or neighbours. These individuals can help show your landlord your pet is well-behaved.

If the landlord agrees to you keeping a pet, this should be written into your rental property lease.

4. Repairs

Always contact the landlord or the property manager to arrange these repairs. They’re obliged to conduct arrangements on repair services concerning property damage or anything that may cause inconvenience to the tenant.

For non-urgent repairs in the rental properties, once you’ve informed the landlord in writing, ideally, they must fix these issues within a reasonable time frame.

5. Alterations

There are times when there’s a need to make minor alternations to the rental property, such as attaching photo hooks to the wall or planting a vegetable garden.

These changes depend on what’s indicated in the lease. Beyond this, you need to ask permission from the landlord before making any changes to the property. But there are exceptions, such as tenants being allowed to fix anytime anything that might compromise the safety of children or people with disability in the property.

6. Moving Out

Finally, the guidelines when moving out; when you’re about to move out, you need to be

informed of your rights and obligations concerning the end of the lease.

Tenants on a periodic lease, once the fixed term lease has concluded, simply are required to give 21 days’ notice in writing. If you’re still on a fixed-term lease, this is 30 days if you’d wish to leave at the contract’s end.

Things can be more complicated when you’re leaving earlier. This is since you’re required to honor the lease terms. However, there are exceptions to these rules. Feel free to ask your property manager about these.


Follow These Tips So You Can Rent The Best Property In Perth

A tenant breaking any of these rules may find themselves not in the best situation, so professional advice from the property manager will help a lot in coordinating between the landlord and the tenant.

There are times tenants may also need to know the landlords’ rules for pet owners, smoke alarms, public transport, rental application, bond disputes, renting offers, and a whole lot more.

Property investors, listen up: seeking assistance from a property manager concerning rental properties will let you not miss out on any of the things you and your tenant need to know about.

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Arnab dey

Arnab is a professional blogger, having an enormous interest in writing blogs and other jones of calligraphies. In terms of his professional commitments, He carries out sharing sentient blogs by maintaining top-to-toe SEO aspects. Follow more of his contributions at Finance Team

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